Nissan Silvia S15 Headlights For Sale
Nissan Silvia S15 Headlights
The S15 headlights are a type of headlight assembly for a certain Nissan Silvia model vehicle, weather you are replacing the current headlights for the vehicle, or changing the headlight models to change the way the vehicle looks. Some people find it preferable to change the stock headlights that the manufacturer put on the vehicle. Usually through the years a vehicle manufacturer will tweak certain aspects of the model of the vehicle through the years, but retain the general style of the model of the vehicle. These parts become interchangeable between different model years since they are essentially the same part with only minor differences, and are installed similarly. The newer parts can have characteristics the original parts do not provide.
Manufacturer replacement parts vs. Aftermarket parts
There are variances in the types of S15 headlights, manufacturer original, and aftermarket parts. The manufacturer original parts, depending on the year of the vehicle will not be available to buy new, and most likely will need to be purchased through a salvage yard. Aftermarket parts can be bought brand new, but are not the manufacturer original parts, and usually are more expensive. It always comes down to the consumers preferences.